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Carpentry & Building Construction 2016

Product Code/ISBN: 9780021402441

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This is a must-have book for anyone in the carpentry industry or work field.  Carpentry & Building Construction covers an in-depth comprehensive program focusing on carpentry that goes over residential construction and the procedures that it involves.  It even gives you details on light commercial construction.  Because it is a Student Edition this book is perfect for trade schools and students learning more about this work field. The information provided is detailed and easy to understand to provide you with the best knowledge about carpentry.  This essential text is brought to you by McGraw-Hill Education, who have been in the publishing and textbook industry for over 129 years.  Consider this the next book on your bookshelf if you are in the carpentry business.  Don’t delay in getting your copy right away!


About the publishers:  McGraw-Hill Education started in 1888 when James H. McGraw originally purchased The American Journal of Railway Appliances because of the growing demand in the rail industry.  John A. Hill served as editor at Locomotive Engineer, and in 1917 the McGraw and Hill companies formed into McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc.  Over the years the company has made their way into elementary, high school, and college book publishing.  They have even branched into the technological department providing program companions with some of their titles.  In 2012 they released an assessment platform on the web that contained unique speech recognition technology to help develop and accelerate learning the English language in China. Through the years they have developed their mission and focused on providing the best education through intuitive, engaging, efficient, and effective experience for the learner.  They back all of their findings through extensive research and tests.  They now operate in over 28 countries, offer products or services to over 135 countries, and release their products in over 60 different languages.  

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