North Carolina State Building Code: Mechanical Code 2018
Product Code/ISBN: 5731L18
Stay up to date with the latest and newest code changes for the North Carolina State Building Code. All codes reflect the newest changes in the 2015 International Mechanical Code and should be used specifically for mechanical code fields.
Table of Contents
- Scope and Administration
- Scope and Application
- General
- Applicability
- Administration and Enforcement
- Department of Mechanical Inspection
- Duties and Powers of the Code Official
- Approval
- Permits
- Inspections and Testing
- Violations
- Means of Appeal
- Temporary Equipment, Systems and Uses
- Scope and Application
- Definitions
- General
- General Definitions
- General Regulations
- General
- Protection of Structure
- Equipment and Appliance Location
- Installation
- Piping Support
- Access and Service Space
- Condensate Disposal
- Clearance Reduction
- Temperature Control
- Explosion Control
- Smoke and Heat Vents
- Heating and Cooling Load Calculations
- Carbon Monoxide Alarms
- Ventilation
- General
- Natural Ventilation
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Enclosed Parking Garages
- Systems Control
- Ventilation of Uninhabited Spaces
- Ambulatory Care Facilities and Group I-2 Occupancies
- Indoor Firing Ranges
- Exhaust Systems
- General
- Required Systems
- Motors and Fans
- Clothes Dryer Exhaust
- Domestic Kitchen Exhaust Equipment
- Commercial Kitchen Hood Ventilation System Ducts and Exhaust Equipment
- Commercial Kitchen Hoods
- Commercial Kitchen Makeup Air
- Fire Suppression Systems
- Hazardous Exhaust Systems
- Dust, Stock and Refuse Conveying Systems
- Subslab Soil Exhaust Systems
- Smoke Control Systems
- Energy Recovery Ventilation Systems
- Duct Systems
- General
- Plenums
- Duct Construction and Installation
- Insulation
- Air Filters
- Smoke Detection Systems Control
- Duct and Transfer Openings
- Combustion Air
- General
- Chimneys and Vents
- General
- Vents
- Connectors
- Direct-Vent, Integral Vent and Mechanical Draft Systems
- Factory-Built Chimneys
- Metal Chimneys
- Specific Appliances, Fireplaces and Solid Fuel-Burning Equipment
- General
- Masonry Fireplaces
- Factory-Built Fireplaces
- Pellet Fuel-Burning Appliances
- Fireplace Stoves and Room Heaters
- Factory-Built Barbecue Appliances
- Incinerators and Crematories
- Cooling Towers, Evaporative Condensers and Fluid Coolers
- Vented Wall Furnaces
- Floor Furnaces
- Duct Furnaces
- Infrared Radiant Heaters
- Clothes Dryers
- Sauna Heaters
- Engine and Gas Turbine-Powered Equipment and Appliances
- Pool and Spa Heaters
- Cooking Appliances
- Forced-Air Warm-Air Furnaces
- Conversion Burners
- Unit Heaters
- Vented Room Heaters
- Kerosene and Oil-fired Stoves
- Small Ceramic Kilns
- Stationary Fuel Cell Power Systems
- Masonry Heaters
- Gaseous Hydrogen Systems
- Radiant Heating Systems
- Evaporative Cooling Equipment
- Basebound convectors
- Duct Heaters
- Boilers, Water Heaters and Pressure Vessels
- General
- Water Heaters
- Pressure Vessels
- Boilers
- Boiler Connections
- Safety and Pressure Relief Valves and Controls
- Boiler Low-Water Cutoff
- Bottom Blowoff Valve
- Hot Water Boiler Expansion Tank
- Gauges
- Tests
- Refrigeration
- General
- System Requirements
- Refrigeration System Classification
- System Application Requirements
- Machinery Room, General Requirements
- Machinery Room, Special Requirements
- Refrigerant Piping
- Field Test
- Periodic Testing
- Hydronic Piping
- General
- Material
- Joints and Connections
- Pipe Insulation
- Valves
- Piping Installation
- Transfer Fluid
- Tests
- Embedded Piping
- Plastic Pipe Ground-source Heat Pump Loop Systems
- Fuel Oil Piping and Storage
- General
- Material
- Joints and Connections
- Piping Support
- Fuel Oil System Installation
- Oil Gauging
- Fuel Oil Valves
- Testing
- Oil Tanks for One and Two Family Dwellings and Townhouses
- Solar Systems
- General
- Installation
- Heat Transfer Fluids
- Materials
- Referenced Standards
Appendix A Chimney Connector Pass-Throughs
Appendix B Recommended Permit Fee Schedule (Deleted)