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Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition

Product Code/ISBN: 470085460

Architectural Graphic Standards has been the bedrock design reference for architects, builders, and engineers for almost seventy years. This book gives students their own new edition of this classic resource, skillfully abridged to include the information they need most.

Organized according to the CSI Master Format & trade; Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition covers building standards and practices, materials and systems, and details and specifications for every basic type of project.

The book provides important guidelines for major design topics that can help students save time and avoid common pitfalls right from the start of their career.  Data is presented graphically in plan/section/elevation, projected and perspective views. No other source offers so much useful data in such a convenient, accessible format.

Whether it's a glossary of construction terms or information on environmental issues, ADA standards, and other contemporary topics, Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition has more to offer than ever to anyone preparing for professional practice today!

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