Acret's California Public Contract Laws, 2020 Edition
Most public contract work in California is controlled by the provisions of the California Public Contract Code. Acret's California Public Contract Laws provides all of the important court decisions that interpret the California Contract Code.
The new 2020 Edition brings you full coverage of new requirements governing the termination and replacement of subcontractors, post-valuation procedures, bidder selection, and more.
This code represents the efforts of the California legislature to gather into one place all statutory enactments that deal with public contracts, including laws that govern such things as:
- Competitive bidding
- Affirmative action
- Alternates
- Extras
- Performance bonds
- Payment bonds
- Pre-qualifications
- Value engineering
- Design-build
- Prompt payment
Also in the 2020 Edition is coverage of the employment of undocumented aliens, using the Construction Manager/General Contractor Method, the required standardized pre-qualification questionnaire, and job order contracting for school districts.
This reference gives examples of accepted practice for the Contract Code as it applies in all parts of the state, from specification of a contractor's license classification, to bid information on subs, to payment laws including interest on payments. All the details are listed here in clear, plain English that you don't have to be a lawyer to understand.
If you work in construction in the state of California, you need to have this book handy so that you can follow the California Contract Code. Order yours today!