Standard Estimating Practice - 11th Edition Vol. III - Conceptual Estimating for Entire Building Structures
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Volume III Conceptual Estimating - Conceptual Estimating for Entire Building Structures
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The third and final volume of this reference is dedicated to the topic of conceptual estimating. Here, leading experts from the American Society of Professional Estimators provide you with an exhaustive array of case studies of such diverse projects as auditoriums, fire stations, parking garages and dozens more.
For each case study you are taken on a "deep dive" into all the unique challenges it presents to the estimator. You are then shown how to quantify components, special factors to consider, risks/pitfalls to watch out for, and typical ratios that provide handy "rules of thumb."
In addition, you'll find sample sketches and spreadsheets that give you a professional’s approach to this important part of the construction process. Written by practicing estimating professionals with years of experience, this volume is a "must have" for anyone who must provide preliminary prices or budgets before the plans are even ready.