Facility Management, Second Edition
If you're a facility manager or a design professional trying to create a more productive workplace, Facility Management is the book for you.
It's written by a team of three well-qualified experts who team up to help you learn the specific duties involved in facility management functions:
- Strategically plan long-range facility functions that evolve with your needs
- Develop operating plans
- Create risk analysis models that can predict a future and help you plan your reaction to it
- Invest in property and equipment with a risk-to-value approach
- Master capital project tracking and outsourcing techniques that save you money
In addition, the 600 fact-filled pages of Facility Management offer you a hands-on approach for applying best practices in corporate real estate management, property negotiating, site evaluation, design requirement and layout, budgeting, planning for space requirements, work enviornment trends, and renovation and construction costs.
When a company's facilities are intelligently, cohesively managed -- rather than just haphazardly operated -- the results go straight to the bottom line. And given the high costs associated with facilities, the savings that good management brings are significant.
Now completely revised and updated, this best-seller covers the entire facility management arena, including:
- Strategic facility business planning
- Leadership
- Managing the design process
- Managing facility finances
- Leasing
- Operations, maintenance, and repair
- Benchmarking
- Cost savings/avoidances
- And more
Every item, every concept is covered in detail from maintenance and operations to communication and leadership -- everything a facility manager really needs to know!