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Inspector Skills

Product Code/ISBN: 7104S

Inspector Skills is the first text to focus on the "other" skills that are essential for success as a construction inspector. These "soft skills" are the non-technical traits and behaviors that enhance an inspector's ability to interact with others and to successfully carry out his or her job duties.

Inspector Skills aims to raise awareness of the importance of soft skills and to provide guidance toward recognizing and improving those skills. When coupled with the technical knowledge of codes and construction practices, developing effective soft skills elicits cooperation, generates respect and credibility, and improves the image of inspectors and code safety departments.

Inspector Skills was written for construction inspectors in all disciplines and will also benefit:

  • Students
  • Permit technicians
  • Plan reviewers
  • Building officials
  • And more!

It applies to building, fire, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and combination inspectors, and to inspectors in specialized fields. Students of construction technology considering a career in code administration or inspection will also benefit from the material covered in the text.

Of course, there is a broader application of the material -- developing good soft skills is equally important to all employees of public service agencies including permit technicians, plan reviewers and building officials.

Additionally, the content is useful to building officials and fire code officials with a focus on developing policies and procedures, and as a training tool to promote uniform and fair inspection practices while improving communications and public relations.

Make sure that your staff has the skills they need when dealing with the public!

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