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North Carolina State Building Code:Energy Conservation Code 2018

Product Code/ISBN: 5781L18

The brand-new 2018 North Carolina State Building Code: Energy Conservation Code is fully based off the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code. Every day there are advances in energy conservation and green building design so this new 2018 edition comes packed with the latest and greatest in technological advances in standards and codes. Don’t get left behind and caught with last years code, upgrade your version today!

About the publisher: The International Code Council (ICC) was created and formed to assure a more unified code across the US and the many other countries that have since adopted their codes. Before the ICC there did not exist a blanket code for all to follow, and although many states do not adhere to the ICC codes, there are many that do and have joined in a more unified code.

Although once a small taskforce rather than a publisher the ICC has grown into a conglomerate of unified code divisions. They include the ICC Evaluation Service, S.K. Ghosh Associates, the Solar Rating & Certification Corporation, the International Accreditation Service and the General Code. They have over ten different code publications including the Existing Building Code, Fire Code, Green Construction Code, Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code, Private Sewage Disposal Code, Property Maintenance Code, Residential Code, Wildland Urban Interface Code and more.

Table of Contents

North Carolina – Commercial Provisions

  1. Scope and Administration
  2. Definitions
  3. General Requirements
  4. Commercial Energy Efficiency
  5. Existing Buildings
  6. Referenced Standards

Appendix C1 Statement of System Commissioning


North Carolina

  1. Scope and Administration
  2. Definitions
  3. General Requirements
  4. Residential Energy Efficiency
  5. Existing Buildings
  6. Referenced Standards

Appendix R1 Residential Requirements

Appendix R2 Foam Plastic Diagrams

Appendix R3 Sample Worksheets for Residential Air and Duct Leakage Testing

Appendix R4 Additional Voluntary Criteria for Increasing Energy Efficiency (High-Efficiency Residential Option)

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