2018 ICC International Fuel Gas Code IFGC SC
The 2018 International Fuel Gas Code is everything you need to learn more about the design and installation processes of fuel gas systems and gas fired appliances. Fuel and gas are things that shouldn’t be tampered with and now you can make sure you are using the correct and safest practices when installing or changing anything with your fuel gas systems. This is a must have manual! Some of the changes in the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code are:
- A brand new section that recognizes are-resistant CSST products.
- Now instead of just allowing schedule 40 steel pipes this new code introduces the usage of schedule 10 steel pipes as the lightest steel pip material allowed. The schedule 10 steel pipe joints are allowed to be brazed, flanged, assembled or welded with press-connect fittings, however it cannot be threaded.
- Clarifies and provides information about appliance shutoff valves that are located behind movable appliances are to be provided with appropriate access. This includes appliances such as ranges and clothes dryers.
- Plastic vent piping material is to be labeled as complying with the standards for that specific pipe material and is to be done so by the manufacturer. The plastic pipe can also always be listed to UL1738.
- Direct-vent appliances vent terminals and openings in the building exterior and the clearance space between them has been revised. Specifically this change refers to the opening that could allow combustion products to enter the building.
Staying up-to-date with the latest changes in codes, procedures, and acceptable materials is one of the most important aspects of business. Don’t put your business, employees, or customers in jeopardy by not putting into practice the newest standards. These codes are updated and revised every three years. Do not waste any time in getting your copy immediately!