2021 NFPA 101 Life Safety Code - HANDBOOK
The NFPA 101 Life Safety Code delivers fundamental criteria for offering appropriate levels of protection in new and existing occupancies. The NFPA 101, Life Safety Code Handbook features complete Code text along with expert commentary that provides a narrative interpretation designed to make it easier for you to comprehend and apply provisions and explain technical language to nontechnical people.
Make the right safety decisions in the built environment to help save lives and avoid costly violations, errors, and work interruptions.
The NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Handbook is an unmatched resource for application advice. Updated with the 2021 edition of the Life Safety Code, it lays out requirements for new and existing occupancies side by side for easier reference and comparison. Additional valuable features include:
- Hundreds of full-color illustrations, photos, and tables that assist in explaining Code requirements
- Shading to indicate revisions, ∆ to mark text deletions and figure/table changes, bullets for deletions, and N to show new material in the Code
- A matrix comparing the 2018 and 2021 editions of NFPA 101 that gives you an overview of technical/substantive changes at a glance
- This edition is compatible with the 2021 version of NFPA 101 and includes all-new benefits and features.
For the first time, the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Handbook includes Historical Notes highlighting fire events that have influenced changes to the Code through its history. You get explanatory information on the most significant revisions and additions for the 2021 edition, including:
- New allowance for second door lock/latch releasing motion in existing educational and day-care occupancies, added in response to the need for safe locking arrangements for lockdown events (e.g., active shooters) in lieu of barricade devices
- New requirement for automatic sprinklers in existing, high-rise apartment buildings, added in response to occupant risk in residential high-rise buildings
- Revised existing nursing home construction requirements to recognize the added benefit of automatic sprinkler systems installed when not required under older Code editions, changed in response to noncompliance of some existing, sprinklered nursing homes that were previously deemed to be compliant
- Inclusion of requirement for automatic sprinkler systems in new bars and restaurants with 50 or more occupants, added in response to occupant risk in potentially crowded, unfamiliar occupancies
- New requirement for carbon monoxide detection in existing hotels and dormitories where a potential carbon monoxide source is present, added in response to the risk posed by carbon monoxide sources (e.g., fuel-fired heating equipment) to sleeping occupants