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NFPA 1600: Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity/Continuity of Operations Programs

Product Code/ISBN: NFPA 1600-19

Do you know what to do in disasters? Emergencies? If you answered no to any of those questions then you need a copy of NFPA 1600 Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity/Continuity of Operations Programs, 2019 Edition. Know what to do to keep yourselves, your business, and your employees safe in the unexpected disasters and dangers we have in our world. The 2019 version has been updated to reflect the latest changes from the new title to new sections specifying hazards and other problems that you have to worry about.

Table of Contents

  1. Administration
    1. Scope
    2. Purpose
    3. Application
  2. Referenced Publications
    1. General
    2. NFPA Publications
    3. Other Publications
    4. References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections
  3. Definitions
    1. General
    2. NFPA Official Definitions
    3. General Definitions
  4. Program Management
    1. Leadership and Commitment
    2. Program Coordinator
    3. Program Committee
    4. Program Administration
    5. Laws and Authorities
    6. Finance and Administration
    7. Records Management
  5. Planning
    1. Planning and Design Process
    2. Risk Assessment
    3. Business Impact
    4. Analysis (BIA)
    5. Resource Needs Assessment
    6. Performance Objectives
  6. Implementation
    1. Common Plan Requirements
    2. Prevention
    3. Mitigation
    4. Crisis Communications and Public Information
    5. Warning, Notifications, and Communications
    6. Operational Procedures
    7. Incident Management
    8. Emergency Operations/Response Plan
    9. Continuity and Recovery
    10. Employee Assistance and Support
  7. Training and Education
    1. Curriculum
    2. Goal of Curriculum
    3. Scope and Frequency of Instruction
    4. Incident Management System Training
    5. Recordkeeping
    6. Regulatory and Program Requirements
    7. Public Education
  8. Exercises and Tests
    1. Program Evaluation
    2. Exercise and Test Methodology
    3. Design of Exercises and Tests
    4. Exercise and Test Evaluation
    5. Frequency
  9. Program Maintenance and Improvement
    1. Program Reviews
    2. Corrective Action
    3. Continuous Improvement

Annex A Explanatory Material

Annex B Self-Assessment for Conformity with NFPA 1600, 2019 Edition

Annex C Small Business Preparedness Guide

Annex D Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle

Annex E Crosswalk Between NFPA 1600 and DRII Professional Practices, CSA Z1600 and Federal Continuity Directive 1

Annex F NFPA 1600, 2019 Edition, as an MSS

Annex G Maturity Models


Annex I Family Preparedness

Annex J Access and Functional Needs

Annex K Informational References

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