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Earthquake Engineering Theory and Implementation with the 2015 International Building Code

Product Code/ISBN: 4035S3

Know everything there is to know about structures and earthquakes with this incredible manual. It covers different engineering methods, practical instruction and implementation, and cost-effective ideas to help protect you and your buildings from the next big shake. Other information includes seismic isolation, foundation designs, and other geotechnical aspects of earthquakes.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Characteristics of Earthquakes
    1. Causes of Earthquakes
    2. Plate Tectonic Theory
    3. Measures of Earthquakes
      1. Magnitude
      2. Intensity
      3. Instrumental Scale
      4. Fourier Amplitude Spectrum
      5. Power Spectral Density
      6. Response Spectrum
  3. Linear Elastic Dynamic Analysis
    1. Introduction
    2. Single Degree of Freedom System
      1. System Formulation
      2. Response Spectrum of Elastic Systems
      3. Design Response Spectrum
    3. Generalized Single Degree of Freedom
    4. Multiple Degrees of Freedom System
      1. Multiple Degrees of Freedom System in 2D Analysis
      2. Multiple Degrees of Freedom Systems in 3D Analysis
      3. Mass Participation in Buildings
    5. Shear Beam
    6. Cantilever Flexure Beam
    7. Simple Flexure Beam
    8. Axial Beam
    9. Finite Element Method
      1. Finite Element Concept in Structural Engineering
      2. Stiffness Matrix (Virtual Work Approach)
      3. Mass Matrix (Virtual Work Approach)
      4. Stiffness and mass Matrices (Galerkin Approach)
      5. Other Matrices
      6. Mass Matrix in 2D
      7. Application of Consistent Mass Matrix
    10. Incoherence
    11. Problems
  4. Nonlinear and Inelastic Dynamic Analysis
    1. Introduction
    2. Single Degree of Freedom System
    3. Numerical Methods
      1. Central Differences Method
      2. Newmark Methods
      3. Wilson Method
    4. Multiple Degrees of Freedom System
    5. Equivalent Linearization
    6. Problems
  5. Behavior of Structures Under Seismic Excitation
    1. Introduction
      1. Force-Reduction Factor, R
      2. Ductility
      3. Energy Dissipation Capacity
      4. Self-Centering Capacity
      5. Frequency Shift
    2. Relationship Between Force Reduction and Ductility Demand
      1. Equal Displacement Criterion
      2. Equal Energy Criterion
      3. General Relationship Between R and ud
    3. Relationship Between Global Ductility and Local Ductility
    4. Local Ductility Capacity
    5. Evaluation of Monotonic Local Ductility Capacity
      1. Monotonic Behavior of Concrete
      2. Monotonic Behavior of Steel
      3. Idealized Strain Compatibility Analysis
      4. General Strain Compatibility Analysis
    6. Evaluation of Cyclic Local Ductility Capacity
      1. Cyclic Behavior of Concrete
      2. Cyclic Behavior of Steel
      3. Cyclic Strain Compatibility Analysis
    7. Precast Concrete Structures
    8. Effect of Structure Configuration on Ductility
    9. Second-Order Effect on Ductility
    10. Undesirable Hysteretic Behavior
    11. Effect of Axial Load on Hysteretic Behavior
      1. Rigid Bar Idealization
      2. Case 1: Rigid Bar Under Axial Load and Without Springs
      3. Case 2: Rigid Bar with Springs and Without Axial Load
      4. Case 3: Rigid Bar with Springs and Under Axial Load
      5. Energy Dissipation Factor (aN)
    12. Design Considerations
    13. Capacity Design
    14. Pushover Analysis
    15. Recommended Versus Undesirable Structural Systems
    16. Strain Rate
    17. Problems
  6. Design of Earthquake – Resistant Buildings (IBC)
    1. Introduction
    2. Definition of Structural Components
      1. Seismic Base
    3. Seismic Design Category
    4. Zoning Classification
    5. Response Spectra
    6. Design Requirements of Seismic Design Categories
      1. Seismic Design Category A
      2. Seismic Design Category B and C
      3. Seismic Design Category D, E, and F
    7. Earthquake-Induced Forces
      1. Regularity of Structures
      2. Simplified Lateral Force Analysis Procedure
      3. Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure
      4. Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
      5. Two-Stage Analysis Procedures
      6. Time-History Analysis
      7. Directional Effect
    8. Load Combinations
    9. Definitions and Requirements of Structural Systems
    10. Special Topics
      1. Diaphragm Design Forces
      2. Torsional Effect
      3. Drift Limitations
      4. Structural Separation
      5. P Effect
      6. Problems
  7. Seismic Provisions of Reinforced Concrete Structures (ACI 318)
    1. Introduction
    2. Ordinary Moment Frames
      1. Ordinary Beams
      2. Ordinary Beam-Columns
    3. Intermediate Moment Frames
      1. Intermediate Beams
      2. Intermediate Beam-Columns
    4. Special Moment Frames
      1. Special Beams
      2. Special Beam-Columns
      3. Special Joints
    5. Ordinary Shear Walls
    6. Special Shear Walls
      1. Special Shear Walls Without Openings
      2. Special Shear Walls with Openings
    7. Coupling Beams
      1. Detailing of Coupling Beam with Diagonals
    8. Diaphragms and Trusses
      1. Structural System
      2. Shear Strength
      3. Diaphragm Chords and Truss Members
    9. Foundations
      1. Strength Requirements
      2. Detailing Requirements
    10. Precast Concrete
      1. Precast Special Moment Frames
      2. Precast Intermediate Shear Walls
      3. Pre3cast Special Shear Walls
    11. Nonseismic-Resisting Systems
      1. General Requirements
  8. Introduction to AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings
    1. Introduction
    2. General Requirements
    3. Structural Systems
      1. Ordinary Moment Frames
      2. Intermediate Moment Frames
      3. Special Moment Frames
      4. Special Truss Moment Frames
      5. Ordinary Cantilever Column Systems
      6. Special Cantilever Column Systems
      7. Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames
      8. Special Concentrically Braced Frames
      9. Eccentrically Braced Frames
      10. Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames
      11. Special Plate Shear Walls (SPSW)
    4. Allowable Stress Design Approach
  9. Design of Earthquake-Resistant Bridges (AASHTO Code)
    1. Introduction
    2. AASHTO Procedures for Bridge Design
    3. Response Spectra
    4. Single Span Bridges
    5. Bridges in Seismic Zone 1
    6. Bridges in Seismic Zone 2
    7. Bridges in Seismic Zones 4 and 5
    8. Methods of Analysis
      1. Uniform Load Method
      2. Single-Mode Spectral Method
      3. Multiple Mode Spectral Method
      4. Time-History Method
      5. Directional Effect
    9. Load Combinations
    10. Design Requirements
    11. Design Requirements of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Columns
      1. Bridges in Seismic Zone 1
      2. Bridges in Seismic Zone 2
      3. Bridges in Seismic Zones 3 and 4
    12. Design Requirements of Reinforced Concrete Pier Walls
    13. Special Topics
      1. P-Change Requirements
      2. Displacement Requirements (Seismic Seats)
      3. Longitudinal Restrainers
      4. Hold-Down Devices
      5. Liquefaction
  10. Geotechnical Aspects and Foundations
    1. Introduction
    2. Wave Propagation
    3. Ground Response
    4. Liquefaction
    5. Slope Stability
    6. Lateral Earth Pressure
    7. Foundations
  11. Synthetic Earthquakes
    1. Introduction
    2. Fourier Transform
    3. Power Spectral Density
    4. Stationary Random Processes
    5. Random Ground Motion Model
    6. Implementation of Ground Motion Model
    7. Validity of Synthetic Earthquakes
  12. Seismic Isolation
    1. Introduction
    2. Concept of Seismic Isolation
    3. Lead-Rubber Bearing Isolators
    4. Analysis of Seismically Isolated Structures
    5. Design of Seismically Isolated Structures
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