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North Carolina State Building Code: Fuel Gas Code 2018

Product Code/ISBN: 5761L18

Table of Contents

  1. Scope and Administration
    1. Scope and Application
      1. General
      2. Applicability
    2. Administration and Enforcement
      1. Department of Inspection
      2. Duties and Powers of Code Official
      3. Approval
      4. Permits
      5. Inspections and Testing
      6. Violations
      7. Means of Appeal
      8. Temporary Equipment, Systems and Uses
  2. Definitions
    1. General
    2. General Definitions
  3. General Regulations
    1. General
    2. Structural Safety
    3. Appliance Location
    4. Combustion, Ventilation and Dilution Air
    5. Installation
    6. Access and Service Space
    7. Condensate Disposal
    8. Clearance Reduction
    9. Electrical
    10. Electrical Bonding
    11. Carbon Monoxide Alarms
  4. Gas Piping Installations
    1. General
    2. Pipe Sizing
    3. Piping Materials
    4. Piping System Installation
    5. Piping Bends and Changes in Direction
    6. Inspection, Testing and Purging
    7. Piping Support
    8. Drips and Sloped Piping
    9. Shutoff Valves
    10. Flow Controls
    11. Appliance and Manufactured Home Connections
    12. Liquified Petroleum Gas Motor Vehicle Fuel-dispensing Facilities
    13. Compressed Natural Gas Motor Vehicle Fuel-dispensing Facilities
    14. Supplemental and Standby Gas Supply
    15. Piping Support Intervals
    16. Overpressure Protections Devices
  5. Chimneys and Vents
    1. General
    2. Vents
    3. Venting of Appliances
    4. Sizing of Category 1 Appliance Venting Systems
    5. Direct-vent, Integral Vent, Mechanical Vent and Ventilation/Exhaust Hood Venting
    6. Factory-built Chimneys
  6. Specific Appliances
    1. General Decorative Appliances for Installation in Fireplaces
    2. Log Lighters
    3. Vented Gas Fireplaces
    4. Vented Gas Fireplace Heaters
    5. Incinerators and Crematories
    6. Commercial-industrial Incinerators
    7. Vented Wall Furnaces
    8. Floor Furnaces
    9. Duct Furnaces
    10. Nonrecirculating Direct-fired Industrial Air Heaters
    11. Recirculating Direct-fired Industrial Air Heaters
    12. Clothes Dryers
    13. Clothes Dryer Exhaust
    14. Sauna Heaters
    15. Engine and Gas Turbine-powered Equipment
    16. Pool and Spa Heaters
    17. Forced-air Warm-air Furnaces
    18. Conversion Burners
    19. Unit Heaters
    20. Unvented Room heaters
    21. Vented Room Heaters
    22. Cooking Appliances
    23. Water Heaters
    24. Refrigerators
    25. Gas-fired Toilers
    26. Air-conditioning Appliances
    27. Illuminating Appliances
    28. Small Ceramic Kilns
    29. Boilers
    30. Equipment Installed in Existing Unlisted Boilers
    31. Stationary Fuel-cell Power Systems
    32. Chimney Damper Opening Area
    33. Gaseous Hydrogen Systems
    34. Outdoor Decorative Appliance
  7. Gaseous Hydrogen Systems
    1. General
    2. General Definitions
    3. General Requirements
    4. Piping, Use and Handling
    5. Testing of Hydrogen Piping Systems
    6. Location of Gaseous Hydrogen Systems
    7. Design of Liquefied Hydrogen Systems Associated with Hydrogen Vaporization Operations
  8. Referenced Standards

Appendix A – Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping

Appendix B – Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped with Draft Hoods, Category 1 Appliances and Appliances Listed for Use with Type B Vents

Appendix C – Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Vent Venting Systems

Appendix D – Recommended Procedure for Safety Inspection of an Existing Appliance Installation


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